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Crane lifts Platform C into place at Springfield Union Station

REPUBLICAN/MASSLIVE (April 24, 2019) — Cranes this week are lifting sections of precast concrete walkway onto the upper portions of Springfield Union Station for the new handicapped-accessible Platform C.

Platform C couldn’t open two years ago with the rest of the refurbished Union Station because it wasn’t wide enough to meet modern handicapped accessibility rules under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The city and the Springfield Redevelopment Authority, which owns the station, tried but failed to get a waiver.

The new platform will open in June or July, said Kevin Kennedy, chief development officer for the city. “The platform is really beginning to take shape and obviously we are very excited about that,” he said.

The platform is costing $8.2 million in state money and brings the total cost of the Union Station project to more than $103 million in federal, state and local funds.

The $13 million parking deck at Union Station was also built from precast concrete pieces and assembled on site.

MORE: http://bit.ly/2LciRIS